Better Results. More Choices.

Our clinic area is spacious, comfortable, and equipped with the very latest in patient care equipment.

When you have your consultation with the Doctor, all of your questions will be addressed. Understanding both your MRI and MRI report is extremely valuable to you as the patient. A Board Certified Radiologist has reviewed your MRI images and created an extensive report detailing their findings. Yet, if these reports and images do not make sense to you, they are of little to no value. Be assured that both your MRI images and report will be reviewed in detail during your consultation with the Doctor.
Studies from Standford University, Johns Hopkins University, University of California, S.F., Duke Univeristy,
Mayo Clinic, and NEMA Research, Inc. show that Non-surgical Decompression is 86% effective in treating herniated and degenerative discs. Not only that, but another study published in Anesthesiology News showed that after 4 years over 91 % remained pain free.

To give you some idea of the epidemic that is low back surgery more than 500,000 patients undergo lumbar spine surgery each year. About 150 thousand of those surgeries are spinal fusions. Unfortunately, 50% of all surgical patients will fail to gain their desired outcome.
Dr. Rosomoff M.D. was discussing “failed back surgery syndrome” of which there is a documented 50,000 cases, every year. While lecturing at the American Academy of Pain Management symposium, it was his opinion that surgery should only be performed in 1 in every 500 low back cases. He felt that that would eliminate 99% of all surgical cases.
In fact, 10% of patients will be WORSE after the initial surgery.